Senior Web/Mobile Developer
Great things are done by people who never stop learning.
I’m an Electronics Engineer and Web/Mobile Developer with over 5 years of experience building applications using Node.js, React.js, and Flutter.
I’m a passionate learner and blogger, currently exploring Amazon Web Services, Flutter Applications, and Microservices.
I currently live in Venezuela and work remotely as a Software Engineer for a U.S.-based company.
I’m accustomed to working hard and efficiently, always focused on delivering high-quality results ahead of deadlines.
Back-End & Frameworks
Front-End & Frameworks
Front-End & Frameworks (2)
Front-End & Frameworks (3)

PressBox Live
I'm currently planning, developing and maintaining PressBox Live, a support application for broadcasters and announcers around the world. It's a Next JS Full Stack application owned by Stats Perform, Inc. and developed from scratch to provide top-tier clientele with the latest world sports results, prediction and statistics.
- Next.js
- CSS3 / SASS / JSX / CSS Modules
- React.js / Typescript
- Auth0 / AWS
- React Query / React Konva / Recharts
- GraphQL / REST API
- Socket IO / React-PDF / React Testing Library / Jest
GRID is a Full Stack Application owned by KEYSTONE STRATEGY, Inc. The app was developed to facilitate the search and management of Expert's data. These were experts in highly specific areas of knowledge hired to participate in the legal defense of important companies in the US.
- Node.js
- Typescript
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Apollo Graphql
- React.js - Styles Components
- Material UI - Auth0 - Heroku - Netlify

Life App
A client-facing application created to enhance the whole administrative and operational process in private health centers.
- Gatsby.js (a React.js Framework).
- CSS3 / SASS / JSX.
- React-Fontawesome.
- Styled Components.
- Polished Library.
- GraphQL to query local data (JSON).
- Netlify to Deploy.
Restaurant Website & Delivery App
A Single Page Application for a Hamburger Restaurant, where you can browse your favorite burgers, fries, milkshakes and salads. You also can place your food orders, after an easy registration.
- Backend: Node, Express, Apollo Server, MongoDB, Mongoose.
- Manual Authentication using Apollo Server & JSON Web Token.
- CSS3 / SASS / JSX.
- React-Fontawesome.
- Styled Components.
- Polished Library.
- Apollo Client & GraphQL to query & mutate the API.
- Heroku to Deploy.

Nimix1 Software Website
This is the Nimix1 Software Website. Nimix1 is a retail management system for small to mid-sized businesses. On this website you can see all of the software advantages, register as a client, enter the video tutorials section & read the latest tech news.
- Backend: Netlify CMS
- Gatsby.js (a React.js Framework).
- Auth0 Authentication.
- CSS3 / SASS / JSX.
- React-Fontawesome.
- Styled Components.
- Polished Library.
- Netlify to Deploy & Netlify CMS for the Backend
My Professional Portfolio (this Website) & Blog
Here you can see some of my front-end skills: Css Animations, Parallax effects, Gatsby & GraphQL dexterity and so on.
- Gatsby.js (a React.js Framework).
- CSS3 / SASS / JSX.
- React-Fontawesome.
- Styled Components.
- Polished Library.
- GraphQL to query local data (JSON).
- Netlify to Deploy.

Sector Tipuro. Maturin - Monagas - Venezuela.
+58 (414) 3826310
Please drop me a line at rafaelurbinan@hotmail.com